Moje hriechy mladosti alebo nieco o programoch, ktore som spachal...

Ak je ladenie programu proces odstranovania bugov,
potom programovanie musi byt proces ich vnasania do programu.
If debugging is the process of removing bugs,
then programming must be the process of putting them in.

I have the best computer on the whole world - ZX Spectrum. Since february 1987 I have ZX Spectrum +, called DELTA and since november 1988 I have ZX Spectrum 128k +2 (grey case). If you want see list of programs made by me, click here. Now follows something about some programs, all in slovak.
Svoje prve Speccy som si kupil vo februari roku 1987. Bolo to ZX Spektrum plus, konkrente typ DELTA. A hned tyzden na to som naprogramoval svoju prvu hru TRAF MA. Potom neskor, v novembri 1988 som si kupil ZX Spektrum 128k+2, ktore mam dodnes.
Od februara 1987 som urobil zopar programov, medzi nimi napriklad tieto: (...a este zopar dalsich ...) (back)